
Uitgelichte beeldverhalen uit de collectie


Beeldverhalen uitgelicht uit de collectie
Photostories highlighted from the collection


Adriaan Boer

Studio/Portrait photographer in the beginning of the 20th century

Watersnoodramp 1953 / The 1953 North Sea flood

Door Spaarnestad fotograaf Henk Blansjaar

The world above, A space story

by the well-known Dutch balloonist W. Pottum

Camping survival guide

Starring: Movies

Filmstills, recorings and life behind the big screen in the 20th century…

April fools

Einde WOII in Azië

Vulcano eruptions

from the past

50 years after anding on the moon.

What’s next?


from the early and mid 20th century

Jacob Molenhuis

and his village

The slide collection of Simon Engel

A portrait by a professional photographer of an exiting era during which taking pictures and holiday trips abroad became came within reach.

Home Entertainment Guide

Sinterklaas Special

Tijdens de donkerste dagen van het jaar duiken de goedheiligman en zijn collega's van oudsher op in allerlei vormen en gedaanten.

Welcome to the 20’s

Plastic Fantastic?!


A selection of tulips from the collection Spaarnestad
