ResearchLAB: Loyal to the Royal


 Archive 2.0: Loyal to the Royal?

The king is dead, long live the king!
September 2020 - January 2021


The last edition of the Archive 2.0 ResearchLab we have been critically reflecting on the broad topic of royalty from a variety of historical and contemporary perspectives: socio-cultural, anthropological, political and visual. Based on the given access to the unique, rich collection of photographs from Spaarnestad Photo / National Archives depicting the history of Dutch monarchy (as well as other royal families around the world) the goal is to investigate the meaning and legacy of being 'royal' today.

In the context of ongoing global transformations to either radically question the power structures of the past (aiming at a progressive democratisation of social life), or - on the contrary - to revive conservative sentiments and glory of the "kingdom" (as done by, for instance, Putin in Russia), what role art and our, oh irony!, Royal Academy of Art can do to take a currently relevant, critical and creative position towards these developments? What do we take and keep from the past, and what do leave behind? What possibly the "new royalty" could be, redefined, reinterpreted for the demands of the 21st century?

Guest lectures by artist Pablo Lerma, writer and philosopher Viktor Frölke, photographer Leo Erken and collection specialist Spaarnestad Photo Freek Baars.

Highlighted students work:


The Royal Seat

Peyman Fazeli


Oh, I wish I was vaccinated

Clara Sharell


How to overthrow a monarchy

Frederik Klanberg


Oranje Nassau

Laura van den Enden



Alexander Koch


Rewind, 2020

Rio Drop

Student picks > Some images from the collection Spaarnestad used as inspiration: