Rio Drop


Rio Drop

Low resolution

“All I need to do is to go back one step in time and overwrite. I am looking hard for a modus that will allow me to jump back ten seconds so I can avoid the mistake. I mentally press alt-ctrl-del to undo the most recent activity. It’s a wrong exit, time-wise. Time freezes, hypothetically, and I step outside of myself. I look and point at the danger, 'watch out'. But the mill only turns one way, 8000 rpm.”

In close collaboration with my partner I shot a video of him cutting out, or by the reversed nature of the video, in, the fingers he misses on his right hand, from pictures out of his personal and family archive. At the moment of the accident which caused this loss, his mind made him believe for a second that he could simply take a step back in time and undo the mistake. This video is a rumination on this idea.

In Spaarnestad's Imagebank I found many interesting images relating to hands and prosthetics, the artificial and the fleshy. An underlying recurring theme is symmetry, or the restoration of it. The elegance of symmetry is something I noticed emphasised in the image of the royal. Both evoke a notion of pretend on different levels.

Inspirational images used from the Spaarnestad Collection: