Frederik Klanberg


How to overthrow a monarchy
Frederik Klanberg

Student of Photography

In high-school you learn about the French Revolution, or how the United States fought for its sovereignty from the British. There are countless examples from history of the traditional monarchy system being overthrown and replaced with a more democratic way of governing. Yet in a handful of nations in Europe, the monarchy continues. We’re told the Royals serve a sort of ceremonial role, and so this is a non issue and we shouldn’t really worry. But what’s the purpose of this circus then? So far I have not received a compelling answer. But how do you overthrow a monarchy? The very nature of the crown is the fact that it’s permanent, it will never end and inheritance is pre-determined for decades. Nevertheless, I feel that overthrowing the monarchy is the most sensible thing to do with it, so I am starting, little piece by little piece and perhaps on the way more people will join this seemingly impossible resistance to a system that has so subtly just stuck around, without ever needing to really get the consent of the governed to do so.

Inspirational images used from the Spaarnestad Collection: